Flooring & Carpet Professionals.

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Featured Reviews for Flooring & Carpet Professionals.

GJ Studio
Flooring & Carpet Professionals.
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars6 January 2015
“"We had a fantastic time working with Geeta and her team on our new home. Taking a fairly structured approach, Geeta helped us understand our budget and developed a staged timeline, patiently understood our (very different) tastes and came up with designs that were appealing to both of us and were "uniquely ours". She made sure the designs were as beautiful as they were functional, and most importantly focussed on completing the project on time and within budget, despite our crazy lives and schedules. It's very satisfying to walk into our house and feel like the space truly reflects our unique identities, and not some design catalogue. A big thank you to Geeta and team for their patience on working with us"”
Matrix FMS India Pvt Ltd
Flooring & Carpet Professionals.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 December 2020
“Good job done by matrix team.it was wonderful experience working with them.”
Flooring & Carpet Professionals.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 November 2022
“I was looking for someone to help me for modular kitchen and they made it quite easy in a very professional way. I highly recommend.”
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