
Does my Foyer look Plush ?

This is my foyer everything in Sterling Silver only the Mirror frame is silver foil and the Elephant God Ganesh Statue,two small low stools and the two Lamps in sterling Silver is it O.T.T ? Or looks makes people green ?

Comments (66)

  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Thanks Furrytoes , will attach tomorrow , so you Know about Ganesha ?
  • 11 years ago
    The only thing I might change would be the sconce light over Ganesh. I would use something that disappears more into the wall, with sort of a spot facing down on the idol. (and placed higher on the wall). I also love the floors. It is fascinating to see something like this.
  • Related Discussions

    Any suggestion


    Comments (44)
    You could also bring in some texture with bamboo sticks or decorative branches and help balance a bit the height of your room with small scale furniture. Spray paint them if you find the perfect size and shape but they aren't the color that you need. Ikea carries white decorative stalks for a very good price. the ones in the 1st picture hold well with small kids around and you don't need a vase for them. there are washi paper or crinkly paper floor lamps with a soft beautifully diffused glow For a budget friendly version check ikea or target
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    Unable to decide the kind of furniture


    Comments (4)
    Formal living rooms are rarely used from my experience. I can't tell you how many times I have "re-done" them for clients because after living in a home for a while the home owner realizes that they are wasted space. My advice to you about a formal living area is to leave it undone for 3-4 months and utilize the rest of your new home. See what is missing. Do you need an office, a den? A library? Quiet reading area? An exercise room? A craft room? Or maybe you really do need a formal entertaining area for your multitude of guests that come around every weekend where you entertain very high-brow style. But figure that out first otherwise your investment will be wasted. Part of why you and your husband are drawn to different furnishings is for these reasons: 1) The function of the room is not well established. So he envisions sitting on a big bulky comfy couch watching TV, and you envision sipping tea on a gorgeous ethnically inspired piece of furniture and chatting with your friends. This can only be vetted out with time and understanding how you as a couple will use all of your house. 2) You have different ideas about home design. Your husband is interested in comfort and you are interested in style. You will need to find a happy medium. Instead of saying well his style isn't going to fit with my style, think about how he can have a comfortable piece of furniture in the room that is perhaps tailored enough to go along with some beautifully wood carved, ethnic pieces. And this may actually enhance the look and make it look less "themed". And at the end of the day you may want to consider hiring a designer to help you through the process - often times that can help you weed through the process of balancing out form and function and his wants and your wants in the space. Best of luck!
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    My house interior help neede


    Comments (11)
    Greeting sir, nice to see your replies....please note this white wall contains unistone red brick work (2.6 inches*8inches)concealed with white sticky tape .done to prevant paint stains as noticed and suggested . about the wall coming out of the slope its not in actual merely an illusion becoz of the taping... also.the red brick work is complimented with white cement....for flooring steel grey granite and s white As attaching u final finished look wud b like...v wud b putting artificial grass garden besides the right side of the building ground floor.. good to know appreciative responses from you..please suggest another ideas floor plan ill share for sure
    ...See More

    Main Door Dilemma


    Comments (21)
    Hey Farooq, I understand your concern. I have a better idea. Drawing room and Living room does not need to be separated by a wall , you can just have a step up wooden flooring done in the drawing area to define the space. Also as per the plan what I have sent you, you can create a window where you existing Main door is and open up the Main door from drawing room as shown in red. If you still want want a wall between drawing room and living room then you can have it but it's just that I feel you can make your living room look big if you knock of the wall, or you can even create a partition with Jali work or you can even have a low height wall to just define the area. check out some of the images attached :)
    ...See More
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Thanks , even I did not want these Scones on both side but Had no time so in a Hurry I got these scones installed on both sides .
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    @judyg , no Hundred fifty thousand is not very upscale people spend Millions , Have you read about Mukesh Ambanis house in Mumbai,He spent more than 2 Billion Dollars and has 600 servants for a family of Five, but a good percentage of Indians can easily afford what we did without borrowing from the Bank and what I did was In a way Investment as Silver prices are on the rise Internationally .
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    Jade , I got my answer since turns you Green ? So if photos have this effect , a visit will definitely give you Heartburn . Lol ;-)
  • PRO
    11 years ago

    I think this foyer looks absolutely stunning and so evocative of the 18th and 19th century Rococo period. Congratulations and enjoy this exquisite space. Have you considered adding Bespoke lighting to the entrance to enhance this oppulant look?

  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Dean , thanks a Ton , my idea when I did the Makeover was to Create a feel for the Foyer and Living , that you feel you have taken a TIME-MACHINE into a different era of Raja's and Maharaja's , and with your Comment , Getting the feel that I have really achieved that Look , Cheers
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Oh my Vikrant. I'm so pleased you share some of yourself with us. Stunningly serene. I would take out the two silver lamps. I would take out the sconce and replace it with a down light on a dimmer to create the reverence for your space. The mirror needs to be several inches higher on the wall. Ganesh need to be approximately two-thirds up on your mirror, so he needs a taller rest. At the moment he is only at one-half. There is something so special about a place that receives prayers and meditation that transmits itself to all who pass through this wonderful area. Thank you so much for sharing.
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Thanks Karen ,I Love you, Even I did not intend to put the two silver lamps there , I have other lamps that I light up twice a day , Why I haven't put the Mirror a little higher is because it was going way above the door to our Foyer
    and why I had not shared any work up-to now is once a Client told me sarcastically, that you made it big showing our residence to the world , and you replicated something like our work at another residence, so I told him this is my work and my style,so my touch it will show , in the world of interior design nothing is new , everything in design comes from a Inspiration it could be your project or a palace or even nature , and I look for Inspiration to make my Interiors inviting .
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    @Wow reply to your post.

    Thanks for the compliment that you agree my foyer is quite OPULENT ,
    Wow read my previous post to Karen ,
    I Dare to be different , India has a different view when it comes to spending your money on God and Charities and people we love so we are Extremely Large Hearted , have you seen the Opulence of our Temples ?

    Some time back a businessman gifted a ten million dollor Crown to the Deity Vishnu at Balaji Temple the richest temple in the World , another temple is Shri Padmanabh Temple ,recently just last July the vaults were opened and $40 Billion treasure was evaluated in two days So the Govt. did not open the other Vaults, Lord Vishnu is Considered the Head of Hindu Pantheon of Gods ,
    Whereas in west a businessman Can gift his Wife or Girlfriend a Ten Million Dollar Diamond Ring but Will think twice in giving to the church or a charity that kind of Money , But there are people like the Great Bill Gates and Melinda Gates , who are doing so much for Humankind by way of their foundations , we believe religion is the food for the soul , some feel materialism is the food for the soul and I respect everybody's view, Carolyn said she did not like it that is when I had to quote that I better like it as it cost me a lot of money ,
    India's Opulence does turn people Green ! Lol
    Btw I live in Asia and Asians are getting richer day by day due to their Hard work ,
    why I posted in discussions is I wanted to see what does the Designer think of my work and what the Houzzers think of the Foyer, And I'm extremely happy , Especially from you , that you know about Lord Kuber as Well or did you just Google it ? Lol ;
    I'm happy almost everyone except Caroln knows about Ganesha,And that's Amazing .
  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    these posts were to be about design not 'my country is better/richer/more- right-in-its-ways than yours.' I really dont want to learn about people's religions here. Not the right forum. If you have political/non-design comments and need to spread your word (whatever it is), theres a new entity called FACEBOOK you can go to, or try blogging!
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    Although irrelevant to this discussion, no, I did not Google Kuber or Ganesha, I actually have some basic knowledge of Buddhism and Hinduism, so I knew that in both religions, humility is extremely important.

    I think you may be missing the point of some of the previous posts, in that the comments do not necessarily reflect envy, rather, I think they may reflect sadness, and even pity.
    Envy implies that the person wants what you have, and I don't think that is the case.

    I saw some of those posts as people expressing concern that you would be so flagrant about wealth, and that is not a trait people equate with humility.

    That you need to tell us all how much money you have spent and how you compare your home and the money you spend on it to the money India spends on its' Temples only reinforces the belief that you are not humble, at least in my opinion.

    I would truly enjoy seeing your work, and just leave it at that, but to add the comments about money, just seems needless to me.
    We all have different gauges of what "expensive" is, but no one needs to be obvious about it, as that is just not an attractive quality. No matter how much you spend.
    It's almost like saying "Look, this MUST be beautiful, as it was SO expensive" when one truly has no relation to the other.

    I hope you will post more photos to YOUR profile, and not in the Discussions, so the rest of us can see what sort of designs you have been fortunate enough to work on.
    We as professionals are lucky enough to work in a field that allows us into people's homes, to help them make their homes into something they will truly love, and then we get to spread the joy to other homeowners by way of this site.
    Let's not turn it into a contest of ego.
  • 11 years ago
    Wait a minute, I almost fell for this, but I've seen this photo before!!! Haha! wow, nice try Vikrunt, but this photo IS NOT from your home, although I'm sure you wished it was! Its from an Indian restaurant in Fleatown, Ohio, called the "Curry Express" (next to the 7-11)

    When did you go there? We were there last year for the 14th Annual Knitting Convention at the Fleatown International Convention Centre. Don't you love this lobby though? We always joked about how tacky it looked, but the restaurant owners are sooo proud of itl! "LOL"!

    I can tell from your prior posts and comments that you have a GREAT sense of humour, as you always make it sound like you have no idea what you're talking about! (Not sure why you do that, but it is VERY witty and endearing)

    Anyhoots, keep up the good work - we look forward to more of your hilarious posts!

  • 11 years ago
    Yes and yes!
  • 11 years ago
    Ditto J C
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Wonderfully stated, Britishchap!
  • 11 years ago
    Brit --loved your tongue in cheek humor. "Vikrant". What's next for you in life? Dating site pretending to be a Lonely housewife? Internet correspondence courses to try and make something of yourself in life?
  • 11 years ago
    I appreciate thebritishchap's sparkling wit, but this discussion has gone beyond good natured ribbing at the expense of another houzzer.
  • 11 years ago
    You're right mich, too bad faulty houzzers can't just be ejected from the site for misrepresentation eh. There is no justice.
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Okay everyone, let's not turn this into a mob scene!

    While many of us may be a little irked at Vikrant's choice of words in this particular thread, he is still a human being.

    We are allowed to "call him out" when we disagree with his point of view, heck we all do that to each other, but there is absolutely no proof that he is a fraud, and I truly don't want this to turn into a "let's all gang up on Vikrant" discussion.

    "Thatbritishchap" has a caustic wit, and I howled with laughter when I read the post, but that does NOT mean his post is TRUE!! It just means that someone disagrees with Vikrant's point of view. If you read other posts he has made (thatbritishchap) you will see he has often speared people with his barbs.

    I still stand by my wish to see some of Vikrant's work posted on his Profile, as I find it could be a fascinating look at design that we don't get to see often.

    Vikrant? Are you coming back?
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    Yes, it must be understood thatbritishchap had tongue firmly in cheek in regards to having seen Vikrant's foyer elsewhere. I do not doubt the authenticity of Vikrant's picture of his foyer.
  • 11 years ago
    guys check my living room need to finalize it in three days ? sgtart wok and complete it by 4 oct pls. enough of this discussion
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    At the outset let me get a few things straight ,
    The Great Father of English Literature Chaucer said : Who that hath an hed of Verre , Fro cast of stones war hym in the verre! Troilus and Criseyde' (1385). for some people Literature may be A Alien Word ,and this will be a Foreign Language , Rephrasing it for people who have said a lot of uncalled for comments other than any Valueable inputs to the Foyer ;it means don't throw stones when you live in a glass house ,

    And I would like to thank the Houzz team , for deleting certain posts about India that were irrelevant and were in Bad Taste ;
    Houzz has users worldwide , it is a boon to Designers,Architects,Decorators,Home Owners alike but some Idle people are making it like Facebook , just try to make some noise and voice their uncalled for opinion here and there , and Decorating and Good Taste is Alien to them I!

    If someone asks a specific Question , the answer should be specific , but I do not see any Camaraderie Here with some jumping into the discussion and posting Nonsense here , people who are even ashamed to show their faces on their profile maybe they live dual lives and could not make anything out of it , but make digs at others achievements , Well Being And Fancy Lifestyles ! Maybe that's one reason they do not have any Lifestyle and don't even have a Identity so they paint their faces black or , add driftwood tables and ......

    Apart from that ; In LIFE one attains Riches not by getting green with others wealth and riches or by downplaying achievements of others which they know they might never be able to get close to ever and jealousy makes it worse , it makes sure that the person who is jealous of others has a Hard time always , maybe their lives suck that is the reason they remain Unhappy all their lives with others and their Achievements it does not effect the other , Bible says Rejoice in the Happiness of others , I do not know when is some intelligence going to shower on their dull and rotten Minds ,

    Someone said such Opulence is Nauseating ! I'm amazed what lifestyle they like , maybe a real Rotton one !

    What do some Ignorant think of the rest of the World , they are oblivious of what happens around in the rest of the World , and how others are Progressing as well , such people who cannot appreciate should not be on Houzz at it attracts worldwide audience , not for someone who thinks He is superior or his country is superior and How many poor live where , First read and then comment, something sensible like a Mature World Citizen ,If you don't have a face how can you voice your opinion Have some Guts to be able to show your face , who are you Hiding from ? Yourselves ?
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Vikrant, please waste no more time on this. Time to move on. There will always be negative comments. It's important to ignore some comments and embrace others. After all, this is an education for everyone on Houzz. There is so much to learn about people, their cultures and ideals. It's truly one of the best aspects of Houzz....getting to know your worldwide neighbors. I was in a conversation yesterday and someone said, "Choose the hill you want to die on.". Well, I laughed and decided that certainly paints a clearer picture than "Choose your battles.". I'm not certain that statement has anything to do with this situation, and perhaps it does. Perhaps it puts life's moments into a clear perspective. Back in the saddle, kiddo! :)
  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    O.T.T. Is my favorite! Be fearless and confident and you won't regret it. Btw- I'm an American lady that was an expat for 15yrs.
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Some of us love our kids. Some of us love our grown kids. Some of us love design. Some of us love decorating our homes. Some of us spend huge amounts of money on our homes. Some of us donate huge amounts of money to charities. Some of us love to do both. I know very few people with great wealth who do not help others. It's never fair to make assumptions. That's all.
  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    Let's call it a day.

    And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche.
    Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 310.
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    The objects are fabulous, it's the lighting that needs to be improved. I suggest the wall sconce above Ganesh be removed and a small pin spot be added to spotlight Ganesh.
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    @judy coutts ,I will do something for the lighting , as I was in a hurry so Put these scones , will find something by Diwali , THE Hindu festival of the Homecoming of Lord Rama to his Kingdom of Ayodhya
    after 14 years of Banishment from his kingdom by his step mother Kekai (who wanted her son to be the crown prince so she sent Lord RAMA (the older prince )To the forest for 14 years and Diwali day is the day when he completed his exile and came back with his wife Goddess Sita to Ayodhya and people of his Kingdom Thousands of Years back celebrated the Homecoming of Lord Rama by lighting the streets and homes at Ayodhya as it was Amawasya Nite(Moonless) , It is also a tale of Victory of Good over Evil , billions of Lamps are lit all over india as a mark of Welcome to the Lord and welcoming Prosperity into their Homes .
  • 11 years ago
    im new to the site, you asked about the silver in your entry way. 1st if you love it that is what counts. I do think its overkill. I would add other textures in the mix so that your favorite pieces of Silver stand out. you have picked such beautiful pieces. As it is they all mix together. Its hard to see any of the pieces, so they are all lost. I suggest you pick 3 of your favorite and have them be your focal points. The mirror is beautiful I would add wood stools below. Use the silver stools as a complimentary focal pint leading to another room. Keep the wood table that the Statue is on that looks great. Mixing the Textures i believe would warm the space up and make less of a "shrine" feel.
  • 11 years ago
    thatbritishchap "We were there last year for the 14th Annual Knitting Convention at the Fleatown International Convention Centre."

    This is hilarious,the whole post from thatbritishchap is hilarious!
    I am laughing since Wednesday !
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Love the lighting; very creative. Thanks for sharing with me.
  • 11 years ago
    Vikrant, I always enjoy your comments and contributions. So it is nice to learn more about you and I appreciate your willingness to reveal more of yourself. I think wether or not people appreciate your lifstyle is not a matter of discussion on this forum. We are here to learn and help each other. You have done that many times and deserve to be respected for it. Personally, I am sorry if you have suffered insults. They are certainly uncalled for.
  • 11 years ago
    ruthmand, nicely said.
  • 11 years ago
    Looks ok. Nice silverwork. To make it better, change your marmer/granite tiles to full slab, less lines. The wooden background looks like regular wood ply with either laminate or just spray finish in fake redwood color. Change that to a contrasting marble against the flooring (paneling or full wall slab).

    Rework your ceiling to a recess or drop ceiling. Then you will get the wow look. Speak to your contractor on it.

    Add a dash of baroque style wallpaper near the door with a nice mirror.
  • 11 years ago
    I love the swing in the other room! We are in the market for one for our breakfast nook. My husband is from Gujurat.
  • 11 years ago
    Hi, Vikrant. I always enjoy your comments. As for your foyer, I think that the pieces are lovely, and I love wood surfaces, but I also think that the reddish wood is the wrong background for the silver. If you stick with the wood, I think a darker wood would compliment the silver better.
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    @Juliano Santos , actually they are slabs , I got them cut , to be made to a size bigger than tiles , here we get 2'x1' size tiles , as the foyer is 15' inwards and the supplier sent the batch of granite I selected at the store in 12' plus size , and I did not want to give a border , so I asked the stone contractor to make the pieces smaller , but will make sure when I do something like this for a client as I'v been told by a client to replicate the same at his House .

    @juliebhatia , if you like the swing and would love to have it in your dining , I can assist you with it and the person who sourced it for me will fedex it to you and you can have delivery in a weeks time worldover , please feel free to mail me at .

    @lucindalance, thanks for the input, even I feel that the veneer at the back used for giving final finish to the walls will look better with a Wallnut or Mocha ?
  • 11 years ago
    Vikrant, I think I would try the walnut. I think the Mocha would look good with the silver, but do you think it might blend too much with your flooring? The walnut will keep the wood texture to help with the visual appeal, but a paint will just make the surface appear smooth, like the flooring, it seems to me. Either one would be an improvement, IMO. If you decide to go with the mocha, perhaps a lighter shade would keep it from looking too much like the floor.
  • 11 years ago
    Vikrant, my husband is Indian and I've spent time in and around the north. The tastes of the people in the US and India are so vastly and dramatically different that I wouldn't waste your time asking non-Indians what they think UNLESS of course you are going for a look that is anything other than to Indian taste. Thinking of your foyer in the context of other Indian houses I've spent time in, I don't think it's over the top. I quite like it. It's not a look I'd emulate in my American home but is well suited to the intensity of India.
  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    Nope-not at all... Just needs a rug---really Fab!
  • 11 years ago
    I have integrated Indian influenced items into several homes.
    Your foyer is tasteful..but might need a-little more balance.
    The chalice's removed gives more power to the space. They may look better on a surface than on the floor..
    If this design is congruent with your energy, and in the space, I think it will feel exceptional to guests.

    The key to success is the contrast of Indian artifacts with contemporary or transitional upholstery. Eclectic choices create
    Visual excitement.
  • 11 years ago
    I actually like the wood tone contrasted with the silver, very warm and rich. I think the darker tone could look a bit cold.

    The candlesticks/chalices on the floor look a bit lost, and maybe a low wood table would be more functional for them and your keys and cellphone, if the mirror was a bit higher.
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Hi Vikrant, read a few comments here. I love the wood background and I do love ornate silver accessories, it feels void of personality or character. Almost too much of a good thing? I would have incorporate some softness in gorgeous upholstered wingbacks flanking the ornate mirror - the stools are gorgeous, although too small for the heaviness and grandeur of the mirror.
    By incorporating a more modern aesthetic in key pieces you will create what I call "tension", Deb refers to it as visual excitement, I call it tension. This in turn stimulates everyone's senses and not just your own, making them pea green with envy ;)
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Btw friends those two pieces with the stools are not Chalices but silver lamps
  • 11 years ago
    Have just today seen this, Vikrant, One word.......stunning.
  • 8 years ago

    Vikrant, is the picture taken from the front of your Entry door? I love your style and pieces.

    Just a few suggestions if this is the view when you first step into the foyer, I am not an expert!

    Ganesh in the place of the mirror to greet you and your guests as Goddess Lakshmi is supposedly behind him, will create more prosperity to the household. A recessed focal light from the ceiling to highlight its beauty. Another silver empty frame placing behind Ganesh, similar to the mirror to frame the idol or a Rajasthani silver jali work piece that way the wall behind would not look empty either!

    The beautiful mirror can be placed where you have the Ganesh now, that way the positive energy coming into your house does not get bounced back or out...

  • 8 years ago

    I had shared your picture with a friend of mine, who is a designer and this was her suggestion..."Ok, I would change the wall with some other accent, liked the mirror as it is.

    Will take out both stools and candle stand from there.

    Maybe will keep Ganesha at Chaise place so that when person enters they see Ganesha in mirror instead piece of furniture."

    Hope this gives you more ideas, Good luck!

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    I have gone through the initial few instant observation is that wall wooden panel isn't up to the mark...I see you are more focused on silver and silver nothing else....You definitely do not need stools for any reason (functionally too).

    Honestly, please do share a video or more photos from around the foyer..we can understand the total concept and feel of the space.