Specialty Contractors.

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Featured Reviews for Specialty Contractors.

Kartik Lakshminarayan
Specialty Contractors.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 July 2017
“One of my best cooperation. All was perfect. Each suggest by Kartik was excellent. Zoom for details, flowing to meaning of interior design, the most visualisations which I saw. I will back to him to take next cooperation as well. With my pleasure I recomended for all how want to have the best project”
Specialty Contractors.
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars30 October 2013
“My contact with Mr Ganesan of MGS Decor was through web site and was impressed by his pure professional approach. I hired him without inspecting any of his previous jobs. He stood steadily on my trust and delivered the designed interior wood work for my three bed room apartment at Ceebros Boulevarfd, located at Rajiv Gandhi IT road, Thuraippakkam, Chennai. It was a pressure job because of my scheduled departure to USA and Mr Ganesan ,accomplished his project on time. Mr Ganesan is punctual and will not work for excuses. I shall be soon handing over another project to him very soon.I wish him great times to come!”
Floormonk - Premium SPC Flooring
Specialty Contractors.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 December 2022
“I recently had the pleasure of using SPC flooring manufacturer company's products in my home. The materials and workmanship of their products is absolutely top notch. I love the classic look they provide with their spc flooring, and the waterproof spc floors are incredibly durable without sacrificing on style. The installation process was quick, easy and stress-free. The finished product looks amazing and I get so many compliments from visitors.”
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