Door Handle Designs & Ideas
Find the right local pro for your project

Design by Walter Powell Architect, Sunshine Coast Home Design, Interior Design by Kelly Deck Design, Photo by Linda Sabiston, First Impression Photography

Custom entry door designed by Mahoney Architects, built by Liberty Valley Doors made with FSC wood - green building products. Custom designed armoire and show storage bench designed by Mahoney Architects & Interiors.

Courtesy Coastal Living, a division of Time Inc. Lifestyle Group, photograph by Jean Allsopp. Coastal Living is a registered trademark and used with permission.

Gorgeous entry way that showcases how Auswest Timber Wormy Chestnut can make a great focal point in your home.
Featured Product: Auswest Timbers Wormy Chestnut
Designer: The owners in conjunction with Modularc
Builder: Whiteside Homes
Benchtops & entertainment unit:
Front door & surround: Ken Platt in conjunction with Excel Doors
Photographer: Emma Cross, Urban Angles
Door Handle Designs & Ideas