Alair Homes Plano
Alair Homes Plano
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Scarborough Wine Room

This incredible wine cellar is every wine enthusiast's dream! The large vertical capacity provided by the InVinity Wine Racks gives this room the look of floating bottles. The tinted glass window into the master closet gives added dimension to this space. It is the perfect spot to select your favorite red or white. The 4 bottle WineStation suits those who just want to enjoy their wine by the glass. The expansive bar and prep area with quartz counter top, glass cabinets and copper apron front sink is a great place to pop a top! Space design by Hatfield Builders & Remodelers | Wine Cellar Design by WineTrend | Photography by Versatile Imaging

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Alfred27 Miller added this to alfred_thomas_miller_jr's ideas21 July 2024

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