Private Residence, Wells

Batterham Matthews Architects expertly tailored the design of this new property to the client’s specific needs, enabling them to work from home most of the time and creating a life-work balance that is significantly more sustainable than it was for the client previously. This house has deliberately been orientated to face South to maximise the potential solar gain for the PV panels on the roof of the property, with an overhanging roof to protect the space from over-heating in the summer. Daylighting factors of 8% to all main spaces throughout the building minimise the use of artificial lights. It was therefore crucial here to select a rooflight system that has impressive U-values and G-values as standard. Awards Winner: Best Individual New Home, Mendip Building Excellence Awards (2015) Finalist: Best Individual New Home, LABC Building Excellence Awards Grand Finals (2015) Architect: Batterham Matthews Architects