
Rama Ananth
12 years ago
"I want suggestions to put up floating shelves under the Cantilever Staircase to display artifacts. The side board under the staircase stays, I just want some ideas for shelves over that, without spoiling the beauty of the Cantilever Staircase. All suggestions are welcome,. The maximum length one can get is about 5- 6 feet. I was thinking of staggered shelves. Thank you."
A"I would like to know whether putting up shelves under such a staircase would look good. Also should I have it done in teak wood as the side board and the railings or would it look better if i painted those shelves in whatever wall color I might choose to repaint it in the near future. We have to definitely paint our whole house, as the old paints are peeling off in many places because of a not so good paint job done about 12 years back."