
Grey UPVC or White UPVC Windows?

7 years ago
Me & my boyfriend bought our house 3 years ago, it needed a complete renovation which we are just starting. We like contemporary but we also like vintage, retro styles too.

We're currently having an extension on the back of the house with a 6.5 metre opening with grey aluminium glass sliding doors, knocking down the wall separating the kitchen & dining room so it's open plan, then we're having a contemporary kitchen fitted so the inside will be quite contemporary. My boyfriend is pushing for grey UPVC Windows but I have always had white in the head so don't want to make any quick decisions that I might regret. Im struggling to visualise how it will look with grey Windows, I'm worried that if I go for it ill regret it and wish we had white. I love grey but my concern is our neighbouring houses are white (although we're detached) I'm worried if it may look out of place or maybe devalue our house if it doesn't look right. I wondered what people's opinions are?

I have attached a picture of our house. Our house is the bottom picture but we are having it extended slightly at the front so it will look the same as the top picture minus the garage- that will be a large window the same as the other side.

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