Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Visakhapatnam.

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Visakhapatnam / 50 km
115 of 232 professionals
232 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Visakhapatnam.

Sj interiors
Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Visakhapatnam.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars28 May 2021
“The ultimate showroom I never seen.Such a good Atmosphere in office with a good designing.Simply perfect and Nyc with this office”
Maha-Putra Planners
Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Visakhapatnam.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 September 2021
“Excellent planner good explained and communication very good and so many building plannings in vizag area.”
My Home
Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Visakhapatnam.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 August 2017
“I am an NRI and new to Vizag. Though I had bought the apartment a couple of years ago and contacted a few interior decorators at that time, I was not impressed either with their ideas or their proposals. Just by chance I searched the internet and found Arun whom I contacted in May this year. In the first meeting itself I knew he was the right person. He came up with out of the box thinking after visiting the site. In the subsequent meeting he assessed my taste and accordingly narrowed down the options to help me make up my mind. That was enough for me to go ahead and give him the assignment. While he was executing, I was aboard but with constant interaction over the digital media, he updated me the progress as well as took feedback and made necessary changes. He is independent, very professional and, of course , designs according to the customer taste. Not to forget, adheres to the budget and time schedules. Overall, I rate his work very high and would recommend to prospective home owners ( more so for NRIs) in Vizag , Hyderabad and Bangalore to at least discuss with him before finalizing their interiors.”
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