Home Builders & Construction Companies in Karjat.

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Featured Reviews for Home Builders & Construction Companies in Karjat.

anjali rawat architects
Home Builders & Construction Companies in Karjat.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars17 July 2013
“Brilliant. Energetic. Clean. Perfection. Wow! Completely professional attitude with a zest for perfection. Excellent Work leaving us with a feeling of absolute satisfaction & awe with regards to the end result! Kudos”
Aum Architects
Home Builders & Construction Companies in Karjat.
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars6 March 2017
“Aum Architects are a talented, Skilled and resourceful group of Architects who competently produced all the Cad production design and drafting of an intricate proposed 90 unit Retail and residential Mixed Use in Los Angeles. I found them to be very ethical, professional responsible, persistence and congenial.”
Mantri Project Management
Home Builders & Construction Companies in Karjat.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars21 April 2023
“The team did an outstanding work in designing our house.Their attention to detail and creativity have resulted in a home that perfectly suits all our needs. Mr Arpit Mantri listened to our requirements and vision carefully and put in his best efforts to bring that vision to life. The entire designing and creative team did a masterful work in making the best use of our space.Every room is made to look spacious and comfortable even with limited amount of space to work with! The materials used for furnishings and aesthetics are of the highest quality and gives a very rich yet subtle look to our home. I would heartily thank the entire team for their exceptional hard-work and dedication in designing our home.You created an absolute masterpiece and we feel fortunate to own such beautiful house.”
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