Staircase Tile Designs & Ideas

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Escalier dans l'entrée
Escalier dans l'entrée
Joseph Grappin StudioJoseph Grappin Studio
MEERO - Marie Janiszewski Dès l'entrée la double hauteur donne de l'ampleur à la pièce. Un meuble de rangement vient se greffer à l'escalier de meunier qui permet d'accéder à un espace intime sous les toits.
Частный дом
Частный дом
Бюро дизайна и архитектуры LFUSIONБюро дизайна и архитектуры LFUSION
Дизайнер: Людмила Лобанова Фотограф: Сергей Красюк
The Rookes Nest
The Rookes Nest
Rooke CreativeRooke Creative
photo credit: Quelcy Kogel
Euro Windows (UK)Euro Windows (UK)
Staircase Idea | The right shaped mirror will optimise natural light flooding into a room.. Don’t just stick to traditional rectangular mirrors, consider the shape or style of your room...
Spanish stair case railing.
Spanish stair case railing.
European Iron WorksEuropean Iron Works
Hand wrought staircase railing, all bars were hand hammered at high heat to produce a rustic surface texture. Cap rail was hand forged in specially made dies under the power hammer. Natural wire brushed patina further protected with wax/ oil combination finish to preserve and to highlight the authentic hand textured surface.
Дом в Воронежской области
Дом в Воронежской области
Kolesnikov AndreyKolesnikov Andrey
Авторы проекта: Колесников А., Клюквин А., Долина Ю., Пирко О. Автор фото: Андрей Кирнов
Grade 1 Listed Queen Anne Staircase
Grade 1 Listed Queen Anne Staircase
SA Spooner Architectural Joinery and CarvingSA Spooner Architectural Joinery and Carving
S A Spooner made this case to replace a missing original that was remove for a Grade 1 listed property in SW 1. The original was removed in the 1970s to make way for more important office space. We were lucky enough to have access to an existing example within the same street and allowing us to take a full measured survey. SA Spooner provided the craft skills in-house and experience that the clients, architects and the planing departments were looking for to craft such an important piece. The original was made in 1705 in the Queen Anne period by the best craftsmen of the day. Our job was to produce a new case to match and craft with soul, all items are worked by men, not machines.

Staircase Tile Designs & Ideas