Spacious Kitchen Pantry - Riverside, CT
Want to add substantially more pantry space without breaking through the walls? Let us transFORM a small closet to a spacious walk in pantry. This custom-designed melamine kitchen pantry in almondine includes, wine racks, tray dividers and space efficient wrap around corner shelves. Optional matching cabinet backing provides a stylish way to protect the walls from nicks and dents. Available in chrome or brass, our pull-out wine racks store bottles at a cool 15-degree angle to ensure the corks remain moist in storage. Rattan baskets in a natural finish add warmth to this high-capacity pantry.
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Daniel Sacco added this to Leah and Brian2 days ago
Kitchen pantry
5. I won’t let photos of perfect pantries (or laundry rooms, or closets) make me feel bad about my ownLook, there are a...