Mitch Little's Home Garage

The garage is fully air conditioned and includes five double-wide garage doors, a two-ton overhead hoist and an in-ground lift well. It has none of the dirt and grime one would expect to see in a bustling automotive nerve center. Floors, walls and ceiling gleam white and are home to grand formations of retro rides and sentry-like, red and black Lista storage cabinets, workbenches and shelves. These include drawer storage cabinets with butcher block counter tops for housing an immense array of tools and parts, and workbenches for repairs – one of which doubles as an office desk complete with a computer station. Lista overhead cabinets hold larger, bulkier items, while Lista Storage Wall systems are used for storage and coveralls. Living the dream. "I chose Lista after looking at all the other brands around," Mitch says. "Lista's overall form, fit and function was the perfect package. I also appreciated the overall value for the quality of the product and the ability to customize to my needs." He continues, "My main goal was the creation of the ultimate garage space. As far as my dream garage goes, this is it!"