Wallscapers Kitchen & Bath Innovations
Wallscapers Kitchen & Bath Innovations
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Large Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing

After - We painted the columns and backside here to tie everything together. No job too big!! This job was a lot of work not only in prep, but due to its size. We removed the shelves from the island per the customer's request. The door fronts on the fridge were removed and taken back to the shop with the rest of the doors and drawers in order to assure the best finish and a super tight look. The island and hood were previously glazed, but the customer wanted it to match the rest of the kitchen so we hand sanded them down to remove and previous brush marks in order to give a beautiful finish. The color picked was Sherwin Williams Pure White, and it helps to brighten such a large area that doesn't get a lot of natural sunlight. The waterborne lacquer is an extremely hard finish that will last a long time.