
The Food of China

Although many of us worry about a Chinese invasion, few consider that the Chinese have already executed their plan of world domination, through their food! The food of China is often considered to be the most popular cuisine in the world.

To say that the Chinese see cooking as a form of art is almost an understatement. They are ardent believers in the saying that ‘the test of the pudding is in its taste.’ The cuisine itself has come a long way from the days of Emperor Fu who taught his people to hunt, farm and cook.

Chinese food includes a huge variety of styles, influenced by eight different regions of China. Out of these the most popular, and the ones we are most familiar with, are from Beijing, Shanghai, Szechuan and Canton.

Keeping with the views of the philosopher Confucius, the Chinese usually serve their food in small, bite-size pieces and dumplings, or momos, which is what the Nepalese call them, are an intrinsic part of the menu. Since the time of the Sung dynasty, Chinese momos have been prepared and perfected by generations of chefs. People of the Northern provinces believe that dumplings, or Jiaozi, bring prosperity and eat a lot of these, especially during the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Momos are extremely easy to make and are a superbly tasty treat. These momos or dumplings can be prepared in three different styles – steamed, fried or pan-fried, and you can stuff it with any filling of your choice.
