
Appying the smear to the stone?

9 years ago
Love the smear! How did they apply the smear and what materials and colors were used?
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Comments (3)

  • Todd
    9 years ago
    The smear is just the mortar that the stone was laid up in, and was not completely cleaned off. We used a buff mortar mix which is regular brick sand with white mortar mixed together.
    karenloeffel thanked Todd
  • morganlp21
    7 years ago

    So buff mortar mix is just mixing regular sand to white mortar? I wanted to use a desert buff mortar but they said it would look better with white sand which is pricey.

  • PRO
    Calais Custom Homes
    7 years ago

    This particular project used White Mortar Mix and regular sand. White sand is more expensive and will definitely impact your costs. Have your mason construct a mock up using both regular sand and white sand. This will help you get the color you are looking for.