The MacDowell Company
The MacDowell Company
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Weston Project Two

This rear yard has a centrally located pool, which is backed by a fieldstone wall. This fieldstone wall has a number of accents to add interest and form, but the highlight is a centrally located fountain. A pool cabana containing a built in grill anchors one side of the pool while a trellis balances the landscape on the other side of the pool. Fieldstone columns with bluestone caps surround the perimeter of the rear yard and lend additional interest to the iron fencing A minimalist approach was taken for the planting scheme. Select ornamental deciduous trees add the vertical element and low shrubs and perennials soften the transition to the house as well as add color. Strategic landscape lighting really transforms this area at night, it's a beautiful area to enjoy a summer evening.

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dperlmutter added this to dperlmutter's ideas29 May 2022

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