Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Indiana.

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Featured Reviews for Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Indiana.

RG Décor
Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Indiana.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars20 June 2019
“We worked with RG Decor and Dawn and they were fantastic to work with and had great ideas and options on products. We highly recommend them to anyone looking to update or is starting the new construction process.”
Susan Yeley Homes
Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Indiana.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars16 October 2012
“Susan is creative and efficient. She invests her time with clients in helping them assess what they truly need in their homes to make them feel more like "home." One of the things I most appreiate about Susan's work is that she can do an entire house, or just update an area. IN my home I had a kitchen update I wanted to do-- she worked within my budget to find the most bang for my buck to update the space and it came out wonderfully!”
Cornerstone Interiors
Interior Designers & Interior Decorators in Indiana.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars27 January 2013
“Not only did Cornerstone transform my newly purchased house into a home, but she did so with me being 700 miles away. All trades were managed; color choices, flooring, fixtures, textiles... When we moved in 3 months later, all furniture was already in place and all we all to do was to enjoy our new home. Job well done,”
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