Modern w/ a Side of Ranch
This contemporary renovation makes no concession towards differentiating the old from the new. Rather than razing the entire residence an effort was made to conserve what elements could be worked with and added space where an expanded program required it. Clad with cedar, the addition contains a master suite on the first floor and two children’s rooms and playroom on the second floor. A small vegetated roof is located adjacent to the stairwell and is visible from the upper landing. Interiors throughout the house, both in new construction and in the existing renovation, were handled with great care to ensure an experience that is cohesive. Partition walls that once differentiated living, dining, and kitchen spaces, were removed and ceiling vaults expressed. A new kitchen island both defines and complements this singular space.
The parti is a modern addition to a suburban midcentury ranch house. Hence, the name “Modern with Ranch.”
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