Jane Ellison
Jane Ellison
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars19 ReviewsView Profile

Elegant Family Room

Asia-inspired. In this family room, bamboo blinds soften the light and take on an Asian feel when paired with ceramic Chinese garden stools and Far East artwork. The Asian theme of this sitting area and office is carried with bamboo, ceramic garden benches and collected pieces Asia-inspired. In this family room, bamboo blinds soften the light and take on an Asian feel when paired with ceramic Chinese garden stools and Far East artwork.
What Houzz contributors are saying
Kelly Porter added this to Wondering How to Pick the Right Blue Paint?2 May 2018

Cool blueMany people equate the colour red with an Asian-inspired space. However, a cool muted blue also makes a great...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Cynthia Montoya Gemar added this to Ideas de Cynthia21 July 2024
