3ft wide peninsula borders kitchen and family room provides large work surface

David Woo Designs With the kitchen open to the family room, the peninsula provided an opportunity to create dual purpose cabinets. On the family room side there is open shelving for photo albums and books. The shelf is flanked by symmetrical cupboards. On the right the cupboard is only 12" deep where as the left side cupboard is 3ft deep eliminating the need for a corner cupboard on the kitchen side. While kitchen space is lost, the family room gains a very large cupboard for big items like board games. The kitchen isn't lacking in cupboard space though and already has a corner cabinet with lazy susan on the other side. The peninsula is 3ft wide with standard 24" cabinets on the kitchen side. This is a huge counter surface over 7ft long which is great as a buffet or for rolling out pastry. Over head rail lighting ensures this work area is well lit.

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Jennifer Peterson added this to My Project26 August 2021

Backsplash color and solid black countertop