Five Star Interiors
Five Star Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars2 ReviewsView Profile

105 Rancho Trail - Partners in Building

Sucuri Granite Countertop sourced from Shenoy or Midwest Tile in Austin, TX; Kent Moore Cabinets (Painted Nebulous Grey-Low-Mocha-Hilite), Island painted Misty Bayou-Low; Backsplash - Marazzi (AMT), Studio M (Brick), Flamenco, 13 x 13 Mesh 1-1/4" x 5/8"; Flooring - Earth Werks, "5" Prestige, Handsculpted Maple, Graphite Maple Finish; Pendant Lights - Savoy House - Structure 4 Light Foyer, SKU: 3-4302-4-242; Barstools - New Pacific Direct - item # 108627-2050; The wall color is PPG Ashen 516-4.

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Karunakaran KarunakaranKarunakaran Karunakaran wrote:16 February 2015
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Aliya Terrell added this to Dell & Aliya Terrell4 days ago

Kitchen/Top cabinets and wall color