
Which shade of white?

6 years ago

Can some of the experts here recommend a white shade from Asian? I am looking for a white that goes well with warm/yellow lighting and old cement terrazzo flooring. There are hundreds of shades making it difficult to choose the correct one. I have tried Crystal from ICI but it turned out to be a very clinical white.

Thanks for your help.

Comments (18)

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Hi Pawan,

    How about one of these:

    Pale sisal,pressed linen, almost ivory, silver comet, pure ivory.

    atom INTERIORS, Bangalore

    Pawan J thanked Atom Interiors . Smart Interiors.
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  • PRO
    6 years ago

    It depends on the final effect you are after. If contemperory or minimalist choose white with a touch of grey. If its old world charm choose white with a touch of yellow or brown. In both cases use asian 104 cotton wool for ceiling to complement the warm whitelights. If the rooms are small use cotton wool on all walls and ceiling.

    Pawan J thanked Studio Chippan
  • 6 years ago

    @Studio Chippan The rooms are fairly large. In fact the hall is 30 feet by 12.5. I am after a contemporary/minimalist look. Can I request you to suggest a 'white with a touch of grey' shade? I'll go with your suggestion of cotton wool for the ceilings.

    Thanks for your help.

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    @ Pawan

    For a contemporary feel I would suggest Asian shades Snowflake 8332, Wispering Smoke 8308 or Platinum Disc 8297

    Pawan J thanked Studio Chippan
  • 6 years ago

    @Pawan, sorry to highjack your thread, but I had a similar dilemma.

    @Studio Chippan, thanks for some great colour suggestions here!

    If I am to have natural-white (4000K) ceiling concealed lights and warm-white (3000K) ceiling cove lights; and my floors are white-with-grey large-format tiles (Simpolo Perlato White); and my style preference leans towards modern/minimalistic; would you still suggest L104/Cotton-Wool for the ceilings?

    I brought home a 200ml sample and the colour seems to have an ever-so-slight pinkish-tinge, especially in comparison with my other colour selections of 8300/Confetti (white-shade for all walls of all rooms) and 8307/Quicksilver (grey-shade for 2 accent walls in living room).

    Would you have any experience with the other 2 colours? Please could you advise if these 3 colours might work together? Thanks!

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    @ sansapt

    L104 would still remain the choice for your ceilings in combination with 8300. L104 dries a soft white with no indication of other hues. I am not confident on the use of Quicksilver as the shade appears a bit automotive, perhaps suited for your car/bike garage walls. I would choose a much darker shade for the accent wall (not walls!, that would be distracting and fail the depth illusion)

    examples. note the first and second photos use same colour for walls and ceiling, darker shade for accent wall. While the last photo uses three colours (not my choice). My wild guess is you are after the second photo (sophisticated bachelor pad'ish) in which case use 8252 Autumn day on both ceiling and walls; accent wall in 9469 Black sea. use slick led lighting as the only feature and avoid other distractions such as colourful vases, books or wall hangings. keeping it absolute bare minimal in monochrome.

  • 6 years ago

    Dear Houzz, my edited comments are disappearing from here. Why?

  • 6 years ago

    @Studio Chippan,

    Thank you, for your response and the reference pictures. It offered me helpful insights.

    I agree with you regarding the 3rd-photo. This illustrates that 3 paint colours in my living-room will not work (even if 2 of them are white!). This also means that I can no longer go with 8300/Confetti as my choice of white for walls (as much as I like it, it will dull/dim my rooms if I paint that on my ceilings as well, especially my north-facing rooms).

    So now, I need to find 1 single-white that can go/complement with my 2 adjacent accent walls in 8307/Quicksilver, and that can be used on my ceilings as well (and the walls and ceilings of all the other rooms). Any suggestions?

    So far I have sampled the following Asian/royal white(ish) shades (I’ve added my take on them beside it, but it is only my own perception of these shades):

    1) Base White (the one without any tint): boring, clinical, too bright a white for walls

    2) 8300 /Confetti: not too cold, not too warm, my favorite white among the ones sampled, but too dull for the ceiling

    3) L104/Cotton Wool: seems to have a slight-pink-undertone(?) on my walls, too bright a white for walls

    4) L109/Icy Peak: boring, slight-green-undertone(?), but might work for my walls+ceilings requirement

    5) 8332/Snowflake: this is a very nice grey, but I am looking for a white (for walls+ceilings)

    6) 8308/Whispering Smoke: this is a very nice grey, but I am looking for a white (for walls+ceilings)

    7) 9483/Clear Sky Night: this is a nice grey, but I am looking for a white (for walls+ceilings)

    8) 8299/Ice Age: this is a nice grey, but I am looking for a white (for walls+ceilings)

    9) 8292/White Gold: this is too warm a white (strong pink/peach undertones!), ruled-out.

    Why 8307/Quicksilver, and why 2 accent walls (if I may call it that) instead of 1?

    This particular vertical-line of the fan-colour-deck is the best match with a wallpaper that will be applied on an exposed beam (~L:15’+15’*H:1.5’*D:4”) running along the ceiling on 2 of my living room walls. Shades along this deck-line are: 8308/Whispering-Smoke (one of the whites you suggested above, but too light a grey for accent), 8307/Quicksilver (seems like the right density for me), 0615/Silver Grey (gets too dark for me from here), 0643/Steel Grey, etc…

    *Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a minimalist; I am merely trying to be one. However, I did not succeed with my living room design; and now I only hope it doesn’t get out of hand and OTT.

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    @ sansapt

    beams can be difficult. could you share wide angle pics of the room to understand your dilemma

  • 6 years ago
    @Studio Chippan,
    Thanks for your response.
    I don't have the latest site pictures handy, but here are the pictures of the living area prior to the interiors work (changes to flooring, doors, ceiling, electric circuits, etc.).
  • 6 years ago
    Here's the selected wallpaper for the beams..
  • 3 years ago

    Is l104 good for exterior of the house?. Is it bright white shade

  • 3 years ago

    try snowflake

  • 2 years ago

    i would like to apply auspicious red X202 to a highlighted area of the living room. I also intend to take the same colour to the ceiling.

    What should be the ideal colour of the other walls of the living room.

    I have shortlisted iced silver 8236. Alternatively pale pearl 7940. Need your opinion.

    Many thanks

  • last year

    Hi! I see a lot of meticulous design enthusiasts helping one another & seeking for that perfect white shade & so am I, I know the thread is four years

    old but i really hope someone can help me . My room is small & im renovating it into a calm space with everything white, I have looked at a lot of asian paints colour like love song, belennial white, morning glory, white butter, white salt etc but im quite confused. im attaching a couple of reference pics, as to what i seek

    P. S My floor is wooden in walnut colour, rest all furniture will be white

  • last year

    @Rushil Vashisht Did you find the shade of your liking? After a lot of breaking my head, i am settled with cream pie L152, problem with white shades is that from shade cards you can't understand the shade at all and inorder to fully get the sense of the shade you need to buy a full 1 litre can so the tinting is proper and if you paint on a reasonably large area you can understand the tonality and look and feel of it provided that the tinting was proper. With 200ml samples from Asian paints you won't fully get the shade as the tinting dispensers very small amount of color and if there is even a minute error the shade appears different. It was one heck of a problem to find the right white specifically from Asian paints. Hope someone elaborately reviews all the popular white shades.

  • last year

    I am also struggling with the right color. I tried white gold it's nice but grey tone. White butter is making room dull and morning glory has a strong beige undertone. I am looking for a white color which is not very cream/yellow base. I tried camphor also but problem with camphor is it's white and gets dirty very soon. Anyone who has got it right pls suggest.