
Show us how have you celebrated India in your home!

Shristi Nangalia
6 years ago

I am always drawn towards the archetypal Indian decor brewing colours and materials that speak of our culture and tradition. I am constantly on the lookout for newer, creative ways to bring in the aesthetics of India into the interiors of a home.

Although each of our homes have, in some way or the other, a dash of the Indian spirit... but I feel, its always great to cherish the timeless fabrics, arts, motifs, carvings, accessories etc. of our land into our homes more prominently.

An Apartment, Surat · More Info

Are you a biased admirer of Indian decor just like me? I am eager to see how you have celebrated India at your place!!

It could be a wall art, an intricately painted vase, a handloom tapestry or even a small sculpture... Click and post a picture of your Indian decor elements down in the Comments section right away!

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