
Please help me with my 'garden'!

8 years ago

Living room · More Info

Neither me nor my husband are gardeners but we do like it to look neat and tidy, As you can see from the picture as you come into the house it's mostly gravel but there on the right hand side is a short, narrow strip of soil area. We really don't know what to do with it. We cleared out a lot of rubbish from it but now it's just become a weed magnet! We tried to solve it by sowing lots of wild flower seeds there last year and hardly anything came up. One of the reasons is that it doesn't get much sun at all. You can see from the picture, this was taken at 11.40 am and most of it is in shade. The big green clumps are the foxgloves we planted which seem now to be coming up this year so we're happy to leave them there but what can we do with this?

We want do something which means no weeds/easy weed control and looking tidy and preferably attractive if possible! I don't like the idea of cover it with gravel or bark as I would really like to grow something there - or maybe put some sort of feature there to at least take up some soil space and stop the weeds?

Can anyone help!

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